We’re massively excited to announce the launch of Survivors Voices Press (SVP) this December! Our survivor-led independent publishing project will amplify the voice and experience of survivors, promoting understanding of trauma and ally-ship with survivors of abuse. Our mission is to provide a trauma-informed platform for survivors’ work, filling the gap in mainstream publishing and […]
Faith and abuse
Our Monday night online peer support group is for survivors whose faith plays a significant role in their survivor journey. It might be because we were abused in a faith setting. Or perhaps it was familial or domestic abuse, and the response of our faith community when we disclosed was unhelpful or re-abusive. We try […]
Help That Actually Helps Survivors, Please

By Susanna Alyce: Survivor of CSA. Childhoods shape the adults we become. Traumatic experiences re-shape the people we are. When we are, as children, sexually abused (CSA) how could that not shape us? When we are subjected to Sexual Violence (SV) it traumatises us and leaves us with a tsunami of traumatic distress, fear, dread, […]
5 Books for Struggling Abuse Survivors

The healing process is vital for abuse survivors, but it is important to acknowledge that it is also a challenging ordeal to live with past trauma. This can be especially difficult for children. In our post ‘Safe, Seen, Supported’ we outline that one in five children experience at least one form of abuse. Recognising this issue, our […]