CSA in the spotlight

A group of figures in different colours with a magnifying glass spotlighting one figure

As a survivor of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) I find speaking out a double edged sword; in one way I it feels liberating, in another extremely exposing. Either way it comes with a burst of emotion and sometimes a tail spin of dissociation! It’s tricky! So, last week when I co-authored a piece published in […]

Faith and abuse

Our Monday night online peer support group is for survivors whose faith plays a significant role in their survivor journey. It might be because we were abused in a faith setting. Or perhaps it was familial or domestic abuse, and the response of our faith community when we disclosed was unhelpful or re-abusive. We try […]


LOUDfence LOUDfence is a visible display of support and solidarity with those affected by abuse. The ribbons tied to each fence represent the voices of those who wish to speak out in support and defence of those affected by abuse. “We want all survivors and victims of abuse to know that we believe you, we […]

The River of Recovery: reflections from a gathering of survivors

‘There is no beginning and there is no end’  (Troggs, Love is All Around Me, 1967)…. Written by Kate Melvin with Concetta Perot Earlier in the summer, a group of survivors attended an all-day meeting, where they explored the journey of recovery through their own and others’ experiences.   Survivors were asked to describe their individual […]

From Pain to Power – untapping the experience of people affected by abuse to bring positive change

  Survivors’ Voices is a small, national organisation, run with few financial resources but with a deep well of strong relational connections among our growing membership. Some of these connections go back as far as the time we began by running self-help groups at an arts and justice festival 17 years ago. Over the years, […]