Dr Khadija Rouf
Dr Khadija Rouf is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist with Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. She is the lead for a newly forming Complex PTSD service. She has previously chaired the British Psychological Society’s Safeguarding Advisory Group, focusing on safeguarding across the lifespan. She has written professionally regarding mental health issues, both for clinicians and the public. She is a survivor-practitioner and is passionate about trauma informed care.
Khadija’s published work:
Is there justice for trauma survivors?
Do words help?
A letter to the BPS to support the document on the value of Lived Experience
Who looks and sounds like a psychologist – The British Psychological Society (bps.org.uk)
In2Gr8MentalHealth – Dr Natalie Kemp one of the authors of the BPS document on lived experience writes here:
BPS – Psychologists, Lived experience and self disclosure:
Psychologists, lived experience and self-disclosure – The British Psychological Society (bps.org.uk)
Memory and trauma: the science and the silenced:
Trauma and Memory | The Science and the Silenced | Valerie Sinason, As (taylorfrancis.com)
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