Survivors Voices Survivor Researcher Network

Survivors Voices Survivor Researcher Network


12:30 pm - 1:30 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type

Monthly online network meeting and community of practice for survivor-researchers. For any abuse survivors currently involved in research, whether as students, academics, experts by experience or freelance researchers.

This month, we are incredibly thrilled to be welcoming Dr Khadj Rouf, who is a wonderfully warm hearted person, doing an amazing job, and a survivor herself. Her work is infused with her own lived experience and the compassion this brings to her care of others. Her bio is below. She will share her experiences of being a survivor-researcher (during her training) and a person with an explicit survivor identity in her professional roles.

Dr Khadija Rouf is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist with Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. She is the lead for a newly forming Complex PTSD service. She has previously chaired the British Psychological Society’s Safeguarding Advisory Group, focusing on safeguarding across the lifespan. She has written professionally regarding mental health issues, both for clinicians and the public. She is a survivor-practitioner and is passionate about trauma informed care.


Sorry, bookings are closed for this event. Please contact us if you would like to be added to the waiting list for the next time we run this event.